Thursday, October 30, 2014

Blog Prompt #5: Are you motivated?

Read 96 Blog: Entry #5

v  Reflection Post:

o   We are in the middle of our semester.  This is often the time when students lose their momentum.  I thought this would be a good time to reflect on a few things.   This week, I want you to reflect on how strong your motivation is right now.  How strong is your motivation for school right now?  Do you need to bolster it?  If so, how will you do that?  If not, what is keeping your motivation strong right now?

§  Entry should be 250 words minimum.

o   Use three vocabulary words from the class list in your reflection post.  You will get points for putting the word in bold and using the word correctly.  You may change the word form.

o   Label:  Reflection

v  Calendar/To Do List:

o   Add this week’s schedule into your Google calendar and embed into a blog post.
o   Add a “To Do” list.
o   Label: Weekly Calendar

v  Comments: 

o   Go to the class blog: and find your blog listed in my sidebar.  Click on the blog directly underneath yours, read their reflection post, and write a 3-5 sentence comment.  Copy and paste the comment to a MS Word document and type the URL underneath.  When finished, go back to the class blog, then choose the blog 2 down from yours, click on it, read their reflection post, and write a 3-5 sentence comment.  Copy and paste the comment to a MS Word document and type the URL underneath.  Submit the MS Word document to me.

To "turn in" your comments, copy and paste both of them into a Word document. Include the names of the blogs you commented on. Turn in on the due date given to you by your instructor.

1 comment:

Jennaa said...

I posted the motivation blog. I'll see you tomorrow at 11:10.